Henry case: Jairinho and Monique become defendants for qualified homicide


The 2nd Criminal Court of the Court of Justice of the State of Rio de Janeiro decreed the preventive arrest of councilor Jairo Santos Souza Júnior, Dr. Jairinho, and professor Monique Medeiros. The two are accused of the death of the boy Henry Borel. The child's mother and stepfather become defendants in the lawsuit.
Last Thursday (06/05), the Public Ministry of Rio de Janeiro denounced the couple for the crimes of triple-qualified homicide; torture of incapacitated victim; witness coercion; and procedural fraud. The judge in charge of the case, Elizabeth Machado Souza, also ordered the couple to remain in prison to avoid possible coercion of witnesses.

"In addition to the widespread revolt that the appointed agents drew against themselves before they were even denounced by the body with the attribution to do so, it is worth pointing out that the modus operandi of the incriminated conduct reinforces the risk to which public order will be exposed, as well as social peace , if the accused are released, "wrote the magistrate.

At the age of 4, Henry Borel died on March 8. The investigation conducted by the Civil Police revealed, among other facts, that Jairinho had a history of assaulting women and their children. During the investigations, Monique Medeiros tried to give a new statement. But those responsible for the investigation refused. There was also an attempt to guide the nanny's testimony, witness to repeated assaults allegedly committed by Jairinho against Henry.

Source: https: //www.correiobraziliense.com.br/brasil/2021/05/4923026-caso-henry-jairinho-e-monique-se-tornam-reus-por-homicidio-qualificado.html

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